Criminal Defense

A person charged with a crime in Utah has certain rights guaranteed under the U.S. and Utah Constitutions. For example, a person charged with a crime has the right to a trial by judge or jury. At that trial, the prosecutor has the burden to prove that person’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The person charged, the defendant, has the right to cross examine witnesses testifying against him and the right to use the court’s power to subpoena witnesses on his or her own behalf.

All persons accused of a crime are legally presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. This presumption means not only that the prosecutor must convince the jury of the defendant's guilt, but also that the defendant need not say or do anything in his or her own defense. A defendant has the right to remain silent and argue that the prosecutor failed to prove his or her case. If the prosecutor can't convince the jury that the defendant is guilty, the defendant goes free.

In proving the defendant’s guilt, the prosecutor must convince the judge or jury hearing the case that the defendant is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt." This is the highest burden of proof recognized in court. The burden is high because of the liberties that are at stake. As a practical matter, the high burden of proof in criminal cases means that judges and jurors are supposed to resolve all doubts about the meaning of the evidence in favor of the defendant.

A criminal case and trial is governed by rules of evidence and criminal procedure. Do not make the mistake of believing that a judge or prosecutor will not hold you to those rules should you make the poor decision to represent yourself in any criminal matter. It is critical that you are competently represented so that your rights and freedoms are protected since a criminal conviction often carries both immediate and long-lasting effects on a person’s life.

You need an experienced attorney.

The attorneys at Dart & Wise have extensive experience in criminal defense. Aaron and Kyle have defended thousands of criminal cases involving all types of criminal charges. They have tried numerous cases and negotiated thousands. They can often get your charge(s) reduced, or even dismissed. With their experience, you can be confident that you will be effectively represented through all stages of your case.

You need a knowledgeable attorney.

There are many rules of criminal procedure and evidence violated by law enforcement every day. At Dart & Wise, we have the knowledge to recognize those violations and to protect your rights. We will do so by:

  • Challenging the Legality of the Officer’s Reason to Stop and Contact You

  • Challenging the Legality of the Officer’s Search

  • Protecting your Miranda Rights

  • Protecting your rights set forth in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments

Free Consultation, Affordable Fees & Payment Plans

Call Dart & Wise today at (435) 637-7011 so we can discuss your rights and available options during your FREE no-risk initial consultation. You can expect an affordable fee and payment plans. We are also able to accommodate out-of-state clients.